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BIGnet Alliance
May 27, 20211 min read
Corporate insolvencies in Europe, 2020
The Corona sanitary crisis has had impacts on all the companies from all the activity sectors all around the world. Governments have made...

BIGnet Alliance
May 20, 20212 min read
Is Open Banking the key to improve credit risk management and affordability calculations?
In an effort to provide a complete Open Banking solution to lenders, Experian, the world’s leading data and information services company,...

BIGnet Alliance
May 6, 20213 min read
Use of data is breaking through in all sectors
Unless you are from another planet, you have by now understood that data is "the next big thing." Everyone is talking about it now. Some...

BIGnet Alliance
Apr 8, 20214 min read
AI and data, towards more responsibilities
For a few decades, data and Artificial Intelligence have become omnipresent in our daily lives, but how can we move towards an ethical...

BIGnet Alliance
Mar 25, 20211 min read
International risk management in times of Corona
Corona will remain a threat and challenge to society and the economy in 2021. How should business partners, suppliers and creditors...

BIGnet Alliance
Mar 11, 20211 min read
Cerved SMEs Report 2020
For seven years the Cerved SME Report has been portraying the economic and financial condition of Italian SMEs, thanks to Cerved...

BIGnet Alliance
Feb 25, 20214 min read
The drought or fallow land in public subsidies and financial aid
COVID-19 does not discriminate between classes or age groups nor between public or private sectors. In a very globalised world, the virus...

BIGnet Alliance
Feb 11, 20212 min read
Bankruptcy of a partner or a customer – ratings help you see it coming
It’s in the nature of an entrepreneur – you just want to fight for your company. You have this strong feeling of survival; it is natural...

BIGnet Alliance
Jan 14, 20214 min read
Prepare for the unexpected with AI
Artificial intelligence is a new tool in the toolbox for companies that want to make better predictions. There are pitfalls, however,...

BIGnet Alliance
Dec 22, 20201 min read
Ultimate Benificial Owner (UBO)
85% of the Belgian companies have already registered their UBOs. However, when does a company have to register a UBO and who is this...

BIGnet Alliance
Dec 8, 20202 min read
Datamarketing - qualified information for intelligent decisions
Making decisions is an increasingly demanding action. On one hand there is a lot of information and on the other hand it is necessary to...

BIGnet Alliance
Dec 3, 20203 min read
The bankruptcies come at the end of the year
The bankruptcy filings are historically low. However, in some industries, payment behavior has seriously deteriorated. Companies in...

BIGnet Alliance
Dec 1, 20202 min read
Financial and extra-financial rating: where is the equilibrium point?
The CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) theme is now very much present in the public debate. Extra-financial rating is key to present...

BIGnet Alliance
Sep 23, 20203 min read
Sustainability-as-a-concept: Helping young people to handle their personal economy
How can credit information company help young people to avoid money problems. This is how Asiakastieto made it in Finland. Incompetence...

BIGnet Alliance
Aug 18, 20203 min read
How to prevent money laudering and terrorist financing?
An important part of the work to prevent money laundering and other unlawful activities is to keep track of who is the beneficial owner...

BIGnet Alliance
Aug 5, 20201 min read
New datamarketing tool: ProspectFinder
Quality leads are essential in any commercial strategy. The more targeted you segment, the greater your chances of success. After a...

BIGnet Alliance
Jul 22, 20203 min read
The power of information
Information is the key when choosing and deciding with which companies do you want to establish business relationships, through access to...

BIGnet Alliance
Jul 16, 20201 min read
Denmark: A look at a changing economy after Covid-19
Experian is now launching the Market Impact update with focus on the credit market in Denmark and the Danish consumption trends. The...

BIGnet Alliance
Jul 9, 20205 min read
Uncertainty about client identity: dangerous for reputation
One glance at the Chamber of Commerce’s trade register tells us who the owners of a company are. Really, this should have been possible...

BIGnet Alliance
Jul 3, 20201 min read
Germany is less susceptible to pandemics
Thanks to its economic structure and health system, Germany is much better positioned to cope with pandemics than many other European...
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